As an equestrian, you work hard to be a good rider who has a strong bond with your horse – you seek qualified instructors, bodyworkers, saddle fitters, veterinarians, and farriers – all so you can both perform your best.
But when things aren’t going like you planned and your rides are mediocre at best, where do you turn? Your community of professionals aren’t finding any new answers and you’ve come to the realization that maybe it’s not your horse – maybe your horse is reacting to YOU.
Most riders aren’t fully aware of what their body is doing when they ride. You may be sending mixed signals to your horse that he’s having having a hard time figuring out.
Move Like A Rider explains RIDER motor patterns, as well as giving you a way to assess your own individual movements and how they can affect your horse.
You can do simple exercises throughout your day to fix your broken motor patterns and ultimately, you’ll be a good functional rider with a happy, willing horse!
Tonya will individually assess each rider off of their horse.
Identify postural strengths and weaknesses
Recommend exercises to address the range of motion, strengths, or weaknesses
Identify seat bone dominance pattern
Identify riders' movement patterns that are affecting horses' performance
Assist rider in developing symmetrical loading of seat bones
Instruct rider to identify compensating movement pattern
Teach rider to correct compensating movement patterns
Learn exercises to reinforce improved movement patterns
Identify strategies/patterns to use while riding to improve horses' performance
Put it all together to improve horse/rider communication and harmony
Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and movement patterns allows you to ride with greater body awareness and harmony with your horse.