Tonya's Tips

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Let’s talk Maceration

Fact *each foot has over 125,000 sweat glands that are creating sweat, which drenches your foot with Every Single Step!!   Fact *TIME is the most significant variable in whether feet will macerate *The longer you are on a course, the longer your feet are exposed to moisture (sweat) CREATED BY YOUR FEET!! *Skin exposed to moisture over extended periods of time causes it to become fragile, prone to injury and *Disconnecting (delaminating) from the tender lay underneath OUCH!!! *If there is a large “blister” on the bottom of your foot, it is more likely a result of maceration and the outer layers (dermis) disconnecting from the dermis (super tender) layers (where nerves and blood vessels live)   **Prevention is Critical! *Once the skin on your feet is pruned, wrinkly and fragile, the only thing you can do is Manage the situation. *Consider the amount of time you expect to be on the course *”this never happens in training” is NOT a reason to neglect preventing maceration **Do the math-if your training runs are not as long as your race/event, then there is No excuse to Not attempt to prevent maceration.   **Prevention **Applying a Hydrophobic layer Before the race

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Let‘s talk about zinc oxide (Desitin) 👶🍑🦶💯

***More is Not Better*** ***Smearing Large Amounts of it on the Foot Creates Problems***   *Zinc oxide is an amphoteric oxide. It is (nearly) insoluble in water. It is dense It has antibacterial and deodorizing properties. It has a drying effect on the skin (desiccation) (Fun fact-over 50% of zinc oxide is used in the rubber industry)   *Its insolubility and density allow for it to be ideal for protecting against prolonged exposure to urine (diaper rash) *Creating a physical barrier against UV rays from the sun   **In the context of footcare, it is best used Sparingly** * Primarily by using a dab on the top of a blister that is being taped to protect the skin, dry the blister and prevent the tape adhesive from sticking to the roof of the blister and causing damage*   **Using Zinc Oxide on the Entire foot is a well-intentioned error that I see at races** *In the case of Zinc Oxide-More is Not Better**   **Let‘s talk why** *It is insoluble! When it is smeared Everywhere, it Gets Everywhere! *And DOESN‘T LEAVE! (Insoluble means Does Not Wash Out) *Zinc oxide: *clogs the pores in socks, destroying any wicking properties *creates a

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“Adapt and Overcome”

A little tip-if something hurts when it bends, figure out how to prevent it from bending This runner’s big toe was hurting when it bent upwards, the pain was significant enough that he was planning on dropping out of the race 💔   How to prevent the toe to from bending? Find something rigid to tape to the bottom of the insole. A tongue depressor would have done the trick but, couldn’t find any in the medical kits. After asking around, someone brought me a paint stir stick-Perfect! I marked the length it needed to be with a sharpie and someone went to work cutting it down and beveling the edge🪚   I used Leukotape to secure it to the bottom of the insole and the runner headed back out on the trail! 🏃‍♂️⛰   If ultras teach anything it’s that things are not always as bad as they seem. Sometimes a little ingenuity is all that is needed!

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🧦Let’s talk about socks.

They’re wee, but mighty! They are small, lightweight, easy to pack and are often left OUT of drop-bags😫😫😫😫   Consider this all too familiar scenario. A runner rolls into Michigan Bluff (mile 55), needs footcare and has nothing but a dirty, holey pair of socks to put back on before heading back out on the trail😫😫😫   My role as a volunteer is to do whatever I can to get runners back on the trail and to the finish.   Sending a runner on to Foresthill in a pair of dirty, destroyed socks is the opposite of setting them up to succeed.   I bring extra socks for just this reason. Extra socks that I have purchased, that I pack in my luggage to travel across the country to volunteer and provide footcare to runners.   Every year, I give my own socks away so the runners have what they need to get themselves to Auburn.   In All the years that I’ve been running and volunteering at ultra-marathons have I Ever heard anyone say “Dang! I packed Too many socks!”   Every year we talk about changing socks frequently, keeping your feet dry, preventing maceration, packing socks in your

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It’s Boston Marathon Monday!!🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

53 years ago, the first woman who “officially” ran the Boston marathon using her initials K.D. Switzer was assaulted by race official Jock Semple, who tried to physically remove her from the course.   The reason for his outrage? She was a Woman! It’s hard to believe that 53 years ago, the leading narrative in medicine and sports was that women were too fragile to run distances. Prevailing wisdom was that their uteruses would fall out😳   Thankfully for Switzer, she had men on her side, Arnie Briggs a fellow runner, tried to fight off the enraged race official, her boyfriend Thomas Miller shoved the assailant aside so she could continue running and finish the race.   Often forgotten is that Bobbi Gibb had run Boston the year before, her entry was refused by race officials citing that “women are not physiologically able to run marathon distances”. She hide behind a bush at the start, ran and finished the race.   Fast forward to women runners like @CamilleHerron who just set the new 48-hour Ultramarathon World Record. In 48-hours, she ran 270.5 miles!   Aaaand, guess what? Her uterus Did Not Fall Out!!!😜   Runner or not, the story of

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