It’s Boston Marathon Monday!!🏃♂️🏃♀️

53 years ago, the first woman who “officially” ran the Boston marathon using her initials K.D. Switzer was assaulted by race official Jock Semple, who tried to physically remove her from the course. The reason for his outrage? She was a Woman! It’s hard to believe that 53 years ago, the leading narrative in […]
Let‘s talk about zinc oxide (Desitin) 👶🍑🦶💯

***More is Not Better*** ***Smearing Large Amounts of it on the Foot Creates Problems*** *Zinc oxide is an amphoteric oxide. It is (nearly) insoluble in water. It is dense It has antibacterial and deodorizing properties. It has a drying effect on the skin (desiccation) (Fun fact-over 50% of zinc oxide is used in the […]
Let’s talk Maceration

Fact *each foot has over 125,000 sweat glands that are creating sweat, which drenches your foot with Every Single Step!! Fact *TIME is the most significant variable in whether feet will macerate *The longer you are on a course, the longer your feet are exposed to moisture (sweat) CREATED BY YOUR FEET!! *Skin exposed […]