Let‘s talk about zinc oxide (Desitin) 👶🍑🦶💯

***More is Not Better*** ***Smearing Large Amounts of it on the Foot Creates Problems*** *Zinc oxide is an amphoteric oxide. It is (nearly) insoluble in water. It is dense It has antibacterial and deodorizing properties. It has a drying effect on the skin (desiccation) (Fun fact-over 50% of zinc oxide is used in the […]
Let’s talk Maceration

Fact *each foot has over 125,000 sweat glands that are creating sweat, which drenches your foot with Every Single Step!! Fact *TIME is the most significant variable in whether feet will macerate *The longer you are on a course, the longer your feet are exposed to moisture (sweat) CREATED BY YOUR FEET!! *Skin exposed […]